Autel Drones Enhance Emergency Response for Papillion Police Department

Autel Drones Enhance Emergency Response for Papillion Police Department

In the realm of emergency response, swift and informed action is paramount. With the growing adoption of drones by police departments globally, integrating these devices into existing procedures while considering airspace management becomes crucial, particularly when operating alongside other aerial assets. This need becomes even more critical when navigating restricted airspaces such as airports and military bases.

Papillon, Nebraska, a city with a population of approximately 20,000, located just south of Omaha, falls within the fastest-growing county in the state. Given its proximity to Offutt Air Force Base, airspace management was pivotal when Papillion's police department embarked on developing its drone program.


Utilizing Autel Drones for Complex Airspace Emergencies:

Papillion's police department relies heavily on its fleet of Autel Drones to effectively respond to emergencies within their complex airspace. The department initiated the planning of its drone program in 2019, and it took flight in 2020.


The broad market for police drones offers numerous models and manufacturers to choose from, but the experiences of other departments with Autel drones played a significant role in convincing Papillion PD to opt for these devices. Officer Travis Rozeboom attested, "It wasn't until I saw one firsthand and saw another agency that had one [that] we realized how quick and easy they deploy, and no fuss with geofencing. So we were immediately sold, and we still use those aircraft daily."


While the Papillion PD operates various drone brands and models, their preferred choice is the Autel EVO II series equipped with the 640T thermal camera. The drones' usefulness and cost-effectiveness became evident quickly, leading the department to include the program in their police budget after initially relying on donations to purchase the drones.

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Success Stories: Saving Time and Enhancing Safety

The implementation of photogrammetry-capable EVO II series drones has significantly reduced the time and manpower required to investigate fatal car crashes. Officer Rozeboom explained, "We haven't completely replaced the crash team response for fatality crashes, but we are able to document a scene in anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour typically, whereas the [traditional] crash team often will take four or five hours with six or seven people doing the same thing."


In a high-profile case, a thermal-equipped Autel drone played a pivotal role in apprehending a robbery suspect who was on the run. During a pursuit that started in Omaha and entered Papillion's jurisdiction, the drone operator managed to locate the final suspect and recover the weapon he had dropped. Further investigations revealed that the suspects were responsible for over a dozen other robberies.


Another incident showcased the drones' versatility in a nighttime standoff between police and an armed suspect. By turning off the Autel drones' running lights, the officers were able to observe the suspect without further agitating him, ultimately resolving the situation peacefully.


Ease of Use and Rapid Response:

Officer Rozeboom praised the user-friendly nature of the Autel drones, highlighting how simple mission planning and execution are, which is crucial in rapidly evolving or challenging scenarios. "I could teach a monkey how to draw a map mission on the Autel," he said. "It's literally dragging a box, setting your altitude, and pressing go."


Advantages of Geo-fencing-Free Autel Drones:

One significant feature that distinguishes Autel drones for Papillion is their lack of Geo-fencing. Officer Rozeboom emphasized, "We bring the Autel for the sole and explicit reason that we know it will fly. It doesn't force us to do an update. It doesn't force us to be Geo-fenced with some arbitrary Geo-fence rule… Usually, within 30 to 60 seconds of being turned on, we're airborne, and that's a huge asset to us."


Given the proximity to the Air Force base, airspace management remains a crucial consideration. While Papillion operates drones from multiple brands, the rapid response capability of Autel drones becomes indispensable. Some drones from other manufacturers, despite receiving federal authorization to operate, still require several minutes to unlock and take off.


Future Plans and Conclusion:

The Papillion Police Department intends to expand its drone fleet, expressing particular interest in the EVO II V3 and EVO Max series. They also explore the possibility of implementing a Drone as a First Responder (DFR) program, which may involve utilizing a Dragonfish drone.


While concerns about Chinese-made drones and U.S. regulations have influenced many first responder drone programs, Officer Rozeboom firmly stated that their choice of Autel drones is based on their suitability for the job, irrespective of politics. He emphasized Autel's superiority in terms of price, included features, and the ability to work consistently—an essential aspect within the law enforcement industry.


Autel Robotics prioritizes data security, ensuring the encrypted transmission of drone camera feeds and Live Deck footage and storing flight data internally on each device. Additionally, their servers are based in the United States.


Autel Robotics is proud to serve first responders nationwide, and they are honored to have been chosen by agencies and departments to protect the lives of officers and citizens.

They are great little drones.

Richard Schafer

Hardware Product Manager


Geofencing has always been a huge selling point for Autel. It's one reason I invested in Autel EVO II Pro drones because Autel treated the pilot as an adult, not as some child that needed bumper guards to be "safe." The pilot in charge should be mindful of the airspace, the restrictions, and the height requirements and have situational awareness. As a 107 Licensed pilot, this becomes a primary focus point when launching any drone. In moments when the timing is critical, I can see why LE is making the obvious choice and use of Autel drones. They are not just "joy riding" and filming the scenery for YT and vacation videos (like I do). They have a purpose for having eyes in the sky, such as mapping out a wreck or searching for fleeing suspects or missing persons. It's an essential tool and not one that needs to have geofencing costing precious moments.

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