ABCs for Rising Next Gen Risk Mitigation Leaders
Aggregate trustworthy data to identify anomalous health, safety, or security risk mitigation opportunities.
Brand your team as solution-option-providers as opposed to bad-news-bearers.
Comply with brand and regulatory requirements leveraging unified risk oversight operations centers.
Develop or retain diverse, cross-functional, to assess, communicate, detect, respond, and mitigate risks, threats, and vulnerabilities (analysts, investigators, operators, technicians, etc.).
Enable your organization to accomplish its Mission and Vision within stated Values.
Facilitate all-channel communications for all-hazards situational awareness for all health, safety, and security concerns and responsibilities.
Generate excitement for operation excellence. Bonus, promote, or reward accordingly.
Help those in need.
“I” may be eliminated, for more inclusivity and replaced with “we, us, and our” (e.g., Our individual duties of care, to report, and warn, often roll-up to brand, organizational, and stakeholder expectations)
Juxtapose, prioritize, and re-prioritize opportunities that may create the greatest good and carry those solutions to senior management (e.g., attraction/retention of talent, compliance, risk reduction, etc.)
Know, or in the word of Inspector Clouseau, make it your business to know, where underperformance may signal an individual or business assistance signal for help.
Learn your business from the ground-up and inform/survey those most likely in need of your services.
Make certain that After-actions for critical events and near misses allow “lessons learned” dialogue.
Net contribution or cost avoidance can be calculated for most every key process, service, or tool.
Operational excellence and continuous improvement are viable objective performance targets
Protect people. Secure Assets. Contribute. Margin. Winning hearts and minds always starts with people.
Question questionable data. Is there any tangible support for “this is the way we have always done it”?
Risk resilience may only truly be possible when risk registers are accompanied by individually owned mitigation services or technologies that are meaningfully measured, period-over-period.
Stakeholders and talent are attracted to engaged, healthy, safe, and secure organizations. Out-protecting your competitors is a competitive advantage.
The Voice of the Customer is a north star. Let it guide us. Do we feel safe/secure? What experience or proven practice might be shared? Convene focus groups and survey. What are the insights?
Understand the Total Cost of Ownership and RoI calculation that is near and dear to your CFO’s heart.
Validate your draft findings with subject matter expert others who may improve product considerations.
We care about heathier, safer, and more secure colleagues, customers, and communities. Let others know it with welcoming messaging and signage. Its our why.
X factor unknowns may be best solved by relevant collective knowledge and research
Your personal brand is best served by enabling the health, safety, and security of others . Franchise.
Zero tolerance for intolerance to groups, ideas, individuals, and innovation is not a bridge too far, but it is a crawl, walk, run that must be culturally aligned within acceptable Code of Conduct and Use guidance.