9 Ways to NOT Exploit Pride Month
PC: William Fonteneau- How to better support your employees, celebrate your company's LGBTQIA+ community, and incorporate championships year-round.

9 Ways to NOT Exploit Pride Month

Although the month of June is dedicated to the celebration of equality within our culture, lives, and work it's important that the efforts companies make during this month is continued on. The efforts you establish to honor your employees should not be limited to a fad or for appearances sake. People want to feel as though they are appreciated, and are not being used for the company to be seen as 'socially conscious'.

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Here are long-term actionable tasks to always support your employees...

  1. Pronouns- incorporate the use of pronouns into company emails, and encourage the use in company materials, and LinkedIn.
  2. Provide mental health resources.

    Whether your colleagues are a part of the LGBTQIA+ community or not, it is important that not only are they physically healthy but mentally as well. 

“Although the full range of LGBTQI identities are not commonly included in large-scale studies of mental health, there is strong evidence from recent research that members of this community are at a higher risk for experiencing mental health conditions — especially depression and anxiety disorders. LGB adults are more than twice as likely as heterosexual adults to experience a mental health condition.” - National Alliance of Mental Illness

There are many opportunities to support mental health for employees that don’t necessarily cost anything if you are strapped financially or if you don’t have the power/authority to pay for those services. Here are some resources to share with your colleagues. Many of these organizations have free resources to offer. These are also great ways to educate yourself. 

 CenterLink LGBT Community Center Member Directory

Full List Below of Resources Below

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3. Learning Opportunities: speakers, panels, workshops, conversations.

    Not only by providing learning opportunities are you upskilling your workforce, but also showing LGBTQIA+ that you are continually giving them support. It will create a more psychologically safe climate if people feel like their organization is making active contributions to make them feel seen, included and understood. 

4. Reach out to ERP groups (or create one if there is not already) for best insights on what they would like for the company to do to better support them.

This should be a continual conversation about different ways to make the workplace better.

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5. Your mission and value statements show clear support for all people.

    If your current structure is limited in what you can change, you can always include a different section dedicated to explicitly writing this support. If it can’t go in the value section, it can be it’s own part of the employee handbook, or tab on your website. I have seen a lot of companies recently doing this. Under their ‘about’ tab they have their usual list of what values are important to them; transparency, ROI, customer service. But they also have another tab dedicated to talking about their DEIB dedication and work.

6. Equal benefits for all employees regardless of their sexual orientation — including time off for adoption leave, parental leave, health benefits, and pay.

7. A social responsibility program to help organize and take steps to demonstrate clear support for the LGBTQ+ community. ( volunteering, supporting a specific org)

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8. An anti-discrimination policy with clear and enforceable consequences for those who don’t comply.

    This may seem like it should be part of #5. But it is a whole different idea. Some companies have outlined what happens when there is a breach in contract of confidentiality. Similar formal language can be applied to how action will be taken to harassment in the workplace. 


This may be the most important. It’s simple in theory. But as a change practitioner, the one permanent ideology is that change is a constant process of communication. This communication needs to happen all the time, and it needs to be repetitive. Transparency needs to be honest and needs to happen all the time. You can’t just do it once or twice, or on one topic. It needs to be with all aspects of the business and as it relates to the support and growth for your LGBTQIA+ community. 

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Rhodes Perry-Bestselling Author | Keynoter | Award-Winning Entrepreneur | LGBTQ+ Podcaster 🏳️🌈


Paul Gibbons- Partner, Talent Transformation, IBM Consulting... Keynote speaker - future of work, behavioral science, culture, leadership







LGBTQIA+ - Resources

The American Psychological Association (APA)- Provides educational and support resources on a range of LGBTQ topics.

The Association of Gay and Lesbian Psychiatrists- Offers many resources for LGBT individuals experiencing mental health conditions and psychiatric professionals with LGBT clients.

The Gay and Lesbian Medical Association's Provider Directory-A search tool that can locate a LGBTQ-inclusive health care provider.

The LGBT National Help Center- Offers confidential peer support connections for LGBT youth, adults and seniors, including phone, text and online chat.

The National Center for Transgender Equality- Offers resources for transgender individuals, including information on the right to access health care.

The Trevor Project- A support network for LGBTQ youth providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention, including a 24-hour text line (text “START” to 678678).

SAGE National LGBT Elder Hotline

Society for Sexual, Affectional, Intersex, and Gender Expansive Identities (SAIGE)- Delivers educational and support resources for LGBTQ individuals, as well as promotes competency on LGBTQ issues for counseling professionals.

Trans Lifeline

Depression Looks Like Me- a program that aims to educate and empower LGBTQ+ people with depression.

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