75 Year Old Harvard Study Unveils The Key To Human Happiness! Physique Intelligence

75 Year Old Harvard Study Unveils The Key To Human Happiness! Physique Intelligence

Undeniably, the wisdom and simplicity of taking control of the "self" by the "self" is, and always will behold both the problem and the solution. Without the life-long pursuit of forcing your "self" to adhere and maintain a "physically fit self," almost everything you want and desire will continue to contain little or no intrinsic benefit.

Your ego may benefit, but your brain and body will suffer.

This is important to note because regardless of your "standard of living" the fundamental human right to enjoy a dynamic "quality of life" will forever remain hopelessly unattainable.

The existing circumstance of actually accepting and embracing this scientifically proven and medically recommended disposition is exactly what separates you from currently feeling intrinsically unworthy and to take command and propel yourself towards reaching well-being and new unimaginable heights of superior happiness. Regardless of your current physical condition, anyone can realistically transform an unfit or unhealthy circumstance into sensational and newly self-generated states of mindful bliss and joy.     

The healing benefits of cognitively forcing air into the bottom half of your lungs, engaging the heart to pump optimum levels of oxygen enriched blood to the neurons inside the human brain. Science provides positive proof declaring clearly that this critical activity,  more than any other human behavior  is an irreplaceable endeavor in order to simply feel well.

Extremely little effort or pain in return for a lifetime of feeling happy and well.  

Therefore, against your better judgement, do not associate or confuse the logic of physical activity towards the achievement of "looking better." Replace and redirect your attention and reunite all of your energies and efforts towards physical activity towards the pursuit of just simply "feeling" better. No one can argue the fact that when you feel better, you will by extension feel happier. Cause and effect; train for the brain, not to lose weight and certainly not for the misguided and materialistic pursuit of making "looking good" impressions.

Eventually, maintaining physical activity expands your state of well-being, resulting in the desire to train more often and at heightened levels of challenge in order to feel better; consequently causing you to lose weight and look better. Mother nature provides you with this "win-win" opportunity: for free!

Simply by reprogramming your attitude and frame of mind, consciously avoiding to place the "token" cart in front of the horse, at the end of the day you will end up with exactly what you need first; encouraging and fueling your capacity to actually attain & appreciate what you ultimately want and desire.

No happy brain, no happy life!
Mindful | Emotional-Physique | Intelligence

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Mark M-G

Experienced ICF accredited coach with pharma clients in the USA and the EU, previously a senior pharma leader.


Thanks for another thoughtful post PHYSIQUE INTELLIGENCE! All the best Mark

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