5 Questions You Can't Ignore for #IWD2024

5 Questions You Can't Ignore for #IWD2024

As we prepare and align ourselves with the theme of International Women's Day 2024: "Inspire Inclusion," it's crucial to remember that inclusion is a multidimensional concept. It impacts economic empowerment, talent development, leadership roles, and more. In this guide, I've expanded on five key questions, each aligned with specific #inspireinclusion points that are critical for fostering an inclusive environment.

Question 1: How am I contributing to forging women's economic empowerment within my team?

Why This Is Important: Economic empowerment for women isn't just a women's issue; it's a business imperative. Empowered women contribute more effectively to organizational goals and drive social change in their communities. Creating avenues for financial independence and self-sufficiency enhances both individual and collective productivity.

Practical Steps:

  • Offer pay equity audits and address any identified gender pay gaps.

  • Advocate for women's participation in high-value projects that offer financial rewards and visibility.

  • Encourage flexible working conditions to help balance work and life demands.

  • Develop financial literacy programs targeted towards women to improve their economic decision-making.

Question 2: What strategies have I put in place for recruiting, retaining, and developing female talent?

Why This Is Important: Talent is the lifeblood of any organization. Recruiting, retaining, and developing female talent enhances workforce diversity and facilitates unique perspectives that can catalyse innovation. A balanced workforce can also better relate to a diverse customer base, enhancing market reach and revenue.

Practical Steps:

  • Develop female-focused mentorship and sponsorship programs.

  • Implement flexible, family-friendly policies.

  • Use blind recruitment methods to minimize gender bias during the hiring process.

  • Create growth pathways and career development plans specifically for female talent.

Question 3: How am I supporting the rise of women into leadership, decision-making, business, and STEM roles?

Why This Is Important: Women in leadership and STEM roles bring different perspectives, ideas, and leadership styles that enrich the corporate culture and decision-making process. They also serve as role models for future generations, inspiring more girls to pursue ambitious career paths.

Practical Steps:

  • Encourage participation in leadership training programs or workshops.

  • Establish a Women in Leadership or Women in STEM initiative within the organization.

  • Proactively identify high-potential women and groom them for leadership roles.

  • Implement diverse hiring panels for executive positions to minimize bias.

Question 4: Does the infrastructure of my organization meet the specific needs of women and girls?

 Why This Is Important: A conducive environment enhances employees' welfare and productivity. By meeting the specific needs of women—whether those are health-related facilities or parental accommodations—you send a strong signal that your organization values and respects its entire workforce.

Practical Steps:

  • Assess existing workplace facilities to ensure they cater to the needs of women.

  • Involve women in the planning and development of new organizational facilities or policies.

  • Conduct gender-sensitive safety audits of the workplace.

  • Create and promote an inclusive workplace culture through internal communications and events.

Question 5: How am I involving women and girls in further areas that support their advancement, such as personal development health and well-being, and more?

Why This Is Important: True inclusion transcends the workplace; it must permeate every aspect of life. By fostering an all-encompassing environment for growth, professionally and personally, you enable women to contribute more meaningfully to both organizational and societal advancements.

Practical Steps:

  • Offer educational scholarships or sponsorship for courses aimed at skill enhancement.

  • Promote person development and wellness programs tailored to the specific needs of women.

  • Facilitate engagement with community programs that align with your corporate social responsibility strategy.

  • Organize regular ‘lunch-and-learn’ sessions on various topics ranging from financial literacy to wellness to personal mastery.


Inclusion isn't just a corporate buzzword; it's a core strategy that enhances organizational performance, worker satisfaction, and societal impact. These questions aim to provide a roadmap for instilling inclusivity into every fibre of organizational structure.

I recall when I was awarded an International Women's Day Leadership Award - a humbling and thrilling recognition of my commitment and advocacy for women in leadership. At the time, I shared my mantra, one I still live by today, "Dare to dream bigger than ever before, dare to forge your own path no matter how hard the challenges. But most all, dare to be you and let the chips falls where they may. We are all warrior women with gossamer wings... It's time to soar."

Indeed, it is! Let's soar into 2024!

 Diane Demetre


PS. Here are a few ways I can help you Dare to Shine, Align and Thrive!

1. Subscribe and download The 8 Pillars of Luminary Leadership

2. Book me to deliver a Leadership & Mindset Keynote 

3. Book me to deliver a Women’s Empowerment Keynote

4. Book me to train my Luminary Leadership Methodology

5.. Read one of my Award-winning Books

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Carol Cooke AM PLY

The FORCE Within - Expert on Overcoming Adversity and Change/ Keynote Speaker/3 x Paralympian/Author


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