10 Keys to Success in Inside Sales

10 Keys to Success in Inside Sales

By Kyle Burke


If you have been hired by a professional sports team for an inside sales position, first of all congratulations!  Sport business is a vastly growing industry and it is extremely competitive getting a position in sports.  With that being said here are 10 keys to success that I found to be successful in my time in inside sales.

 1. Dive in

Inside Sales is a short term opportunity for you to show your worth to the organization who hired you.  From day one come in prepared and be a sponge to every bit of information that is being thrown at you.  If something doesn’t make sense at first, don’t worry it will with time.  Do not come in timid and put things off because you don’t have time to waste!

2. Show up early and stay late

Showing up early and staying late not only allows you to plan your day and make a few extra calls, it shows team leaders that you are committed.  Having 15 to 30 extra minutes in the morning gives you time to plan out your day, strategize and prospect before anyone else has arrived to work.  At the end of the day stay and hammer out a few extra calls, it adds up over time.

3. Do what others aren’t willing to do

When an opportunity presents itself to volunteer be the first one to jump at the opportunity.  It shows that you are a team player and that you are willing to volunteer your free time for the better of the team.  Little things like volunteering events goes a long way in the big picture.

4. Meet with team leaders

Spending one on one time with leaders in your organization shows that you are committed to getting better and also allows you to get invaluable knowledge that helped others succeed in the sports industry.  There are few better resources than the leaders you have within the organization you are working for because they can tell you exactly what made them successful.  You will find common traits that make successful sales people.

5. Commit yourself

There are two ways to approach inside sales.  One is to show up, make your calls and go to the bar or go home and watch TV.  The other is to fully commit yourself to the process, get better each call, genuinely want to help your organization get better and practice outside of work.  I can assure you that you will get much better results by taking the second approach.

6. Love the process

You have to love what you are doing or you will grow to resent your job.  Fall in love with the sales process.  Come in early, plan your day, make calls, close deals, go home and practice.  You have to find time to enjoy yourself but make the most of the time you have in inside sales.

7. Read

Set aside 20 minutes each day either before or after work to read.  Try to set a goal of reading one book each month.  Everything you need to know is in a book and the only way to get more knowledge is by reading.  The book doesn’t have to be sales related but make it a book that will make you a better salesman or a better person in general.

8. Set Goals

This may be the most important piece of advice there is.  You are going to be given goals by your manager but before you even spend your first day in training look up current inside sales reps on Linkedin, call them and know what their goals are.  Set a lofty goal before your first day of work, write it down, repeat it to yourself once a day and tell yourself what you’re going to do to achieve your goal.  Positive affirmations equal positive results.

9. Be a team player

Sales is an individual game and you have to outperform if you ultimately want a promotion.  With that being said challenge your sales class, share information with them, hold them accountable.  Not only will this make you a better salesman yourself but it makes the team better as a whole.  A healthy competitive environment creates bigger numbers for everyone.

10. Leave no questions

Do everything in your power to put yourself in a position to receive a promotion.  When your inside sales position expires leave no doubt in your hiring manager’s mind about giving you a promotion.  If you follow these 10 pieces of advice I can assure you that you will put yourself in a great position to get a promotion.




Kyle Burke

(904) 505-4458

[email protected]

Patrick Burns

Entrepreneur - Young and Ambitious


Erik Swanson Let's get this thing going

Cheryl Roach

Are you the "Other Southerner"?


Great reminders - thanks!

Eric Lapointe

Head of Partnerships at Prolific 1


This is great stuff! Nicely done.

David Norton

Cybersecurity | AI/ML | Transformative Services | Automation | Cloud Ascension | Data Intelligence | Digital Transformation


I don't work in sports any longer, but I manage a team of BDRs and sent them this. Great read.

Aaron McCollum

Software Developer | Sec+| ScrumMaster IT Professional


Fantastic article Kyle. I would even go as far as to say these are traits which every Account Executive should be reminded of each week. I wonder what your thoughts are on preventing burnout? It's easy to do that after the thrill of a new job wears away. Also - go Browns! Long-distance fan since 1999.

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