ASV® - Adaptive Support Ventilation


Adaptive Support Ventilation (ASV) is an intelligent ventilation mode that makes mechanical ventilation easier to use for the caregiver, and at the same time safer and more comfortable for the patient. Therefore, ASV employs lung-protective strategies and adjusts ventilation automatically − breath by breath, 24 hours a day, from intubation to extubation. ASV also encourages the patient to breathe spontaneously, thereby promoting early extubation.

With ASV the clinician sets the target minute volume and the ventilator determines the combination of tidal volume and respiratory rate according to the respiratory mechanics of the patient. As well, the clinician sets PEEP and Oxygen values to provide appropriate oxygenation.

- Suitable for adult and pediatric patients
- Applicable for active and passive intubated patients
- Increase the comfort and safety of your patients

This product is intended for

  • Medical Doctor
  • Care Specialist
  • Intensive Care Nurse
  • Registered Nurse
  • Nurse
  • Nursing Specialist
  • Respiratory Therapist
  • Registered Respiratory Therapist


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