Foxglove | Robotics Data Visualization and Management


Understand how your robots sense, think, and act through Foxglove's multimodal data visualization and management platform.

* Connect directly to your robot or inspect pre-recorded data.
* Use interactive visualizations in customizable layouts to quickly understand what your robot is doing.
* Overlay 2D and 3D images with lidar, point cloud, and other sensor data incl. annotations and bounding boxes to see what your robot sees.
* Display and control robot models in interactive 3D scenes to understand how your robots move through the world.
* Analyze everything as you travel through your robots mission and journey with Timeline and events.
* Build bespoke panels, convert custom messages, and alias topic names to support your team’s unique development workflows.
* Use Foxglove offline, store your data at the edge, then in your cloud or ours —no matter what your connectivity or data constraints are.

This product is intended for

  • Robotics Engineer


Featured customers of Foxglove | Robotics Data Visualization and Management

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