When Mergers Hide the Mess...
Ever wonder why some credit unions merge? Spoiler alert: it’s not always about economies of scale or regulatory hurdles. Sometimes, it’s just plain ol’ ineffective management and weak board oversight.
Take, for instance, a recent merger that went down on June 30th. This credit union’s CEO had been at the helm for over 20 years. Candidly, the first decade of his administration was amazing. However, the last decade saw a nosedive in asset quality and earnings, thanks largely to a mismanaged indirect auto and unsecured signature loan portfolio. And it wasn’t a sudden plunge—this was a slow, steady decline that could’ve been reversed if the CEO or Board had taken decisive action.
But the CEO sought an exit instead of facing the music or making the required changes. He reached out to a billion-dollar credit union, arranged a sweet post-merger payout, and launched a slick marketing campaign to convince both members and the board that merging was the only option. It’s like using fire to cover up a crime – in this case, the poor performance was the crime, and the merger was the fire that erased the evidence. (Interestingly, I am referring to a specific credit union, yet this scenario could easily apply to about 40 mergers over the last two years.)
If you’re a CEO looking at your June 30 numbers and have concerns about your earnings, liquidity, asset quality, or regulatory changes, remember that there are numerous ways to be part of the solution that allows your charter to survive and thrive. I want you to retire happy, healthy, well-compensated, and with your charter intact. Bet on yourself...
If your strategic planning and operational consultant can’t adeptly discuss the unrealized losses in your investment portfolio, the potential additional allocations to your allowance, the weaknesses in your talent pipeline, the rising risks in your MBL portfolio, and the need to lower the average cost of acquiring new members—all while incorporating these elements into your strategy and operating plan—then what are we doing? SWOT analysis and big hairy goals just aren’t enough anymore. Experience the difference.
Contact us today to schedule an exploratory conversation.
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