Dr. Tiffany Wiggins, VP and Chief Health Equity Officer for the University of Maryland Medical System, recently participated in an expert panel for The Baltimore Banner’s “Legacy Builders” event. The discussion, “The Medical Divide: Addressing Inequities and Injustice in Health Care," included Lester Davis, VP and Chief of Staff for CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield and was hosted by John-John Williams IV, a diversity, equity, and inclusion reporter at The Baltimore Banner.
During the panel, Dr. Wiggins described her journey to becoming a health equity enthusiast and emphasized how patients, providers, and systems can address medical bias. She reminded us that we “measure what we treasure” and that healthcare organizations can more meaningfully advance equity by leveraging the insights and expertise of community partners to identify root causes and design cross-sector solutions.
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2moIt was our honor to host this presentation. We are so grateful for all that TMC does for the Tucson community!