Theresia Gouw’s Post

My co-founding partner at Acrew Capital, Lauren Kolodny, premiered on the Midas List last year as number 100. This year, she found herself at number 68. We don’t put great stock in these types of accolades — but I’d be remiss if I didn’t take a moment to say a few things. When I first appeared on the Midas List, I was one of two women. This year has the most female representation in the history of the list. Out of 100 investors, 13 are women. Appearing on The Midas List is a good feeling. Having your once-mentee turned partner appear on The Midas List might be a better feeling. I founded Acrew with Lauren for a lot of reasons. I’d seen her in action and I admired her guts. Even as an early career investor, Lauren stood up for companies that she believed in. We led a Series A in Chime because of her thesis work and her conviction — even when most others turned it down. That experience and others like it cemented for me the importance of generational diversity — Lauren, a millennial, grew up in a different world than I did and she could spot things that I might have missed. Our fund now boasts gen x-ers, millennials and zoomers — and we’re better for it. We practice VC as a team sport and Lauren’s achievement reflects not just her success but the tenacious, innovative and decisive nature of our entire crew. On average, the venture firms represented on the Midas List this year were founded 33 years ago. Only 10% were founded in the last decade. I think it’s safe to say that our five-year-old fund is far out-punching its weight. Congratulations, Lauren. There are big things in our rear view mirror but even bigger things ahead. 

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Sunny Dhillon

Partner at Kyber Knight Capital


Congrats Lauren Kolodny! Well deserved!

Lauren Kolodny

Founding Partner at Acrew Capital | Fintech Investor | Forbes Midas List | Trustee Emerita at Brown University


T, every woman who has - and the *many* more who will - come after you on that list has you to thank for paving the way. This is especially true for me. I still can't believe how fortunate I was to meet you and learn from you so early in my career. We've come a long way since that first Brown University board meeting in 2009. Lucky to call you my co-founder and my friend. Much more to come. :)

Betsy Zimmerman

Co-Founder & General Partner, First Close Partners


What a beautiful tribute to an incredible partner. Congratulations to Lauren Kolodny on this well-deserved recognition of her hard work and investing acumen, and to the entire Acrew Capital team alongside her -- including of course the legendary Theresia Gouw. We at First Close Partners are very, very proud to be among your LPs!

I love everything about this Theresia Gouw. Companies that look like the future should be the ones creating it 🙌🏽 Your ability to sustain a culture of engaged individuals from all backgrounds / generations will continue to be a competitive advantage

Henry Shi

Co-Founder at America's #1 SuperApp | Forbes U30 | EY Entrepreneur of the Year


Congrats and thanks for your belief in us when most others ignored our execution and track record. The Chime story is a very familiar one given the target audience we served and us as the outsiders

Lauren Kolodny's ascent on the Midas List from 100 to 68 is truly remarkable. It's not just about individual achievement; it symbolizes a shift towards greater gender diversity in venture capital. Your partnership with Lauren exemplifies the power of generational diversity and collaborative teamwork in driving success. Congratulations to both of you!

Theresia - you were one of the first people I met with who gave me such incredible advice as I was just getting started in 2008. You've been a champion of so many different people - often in the background not seeking credit for it. But for what it's worth - I always told Mike that I wanted to be as fierce and fabulous as you are! I know Lauren has learned from one of the best!

We at Beyond The Billion® (launched as The Billion Dollar Fund for Women®) salute your great work at Acrew and I for one am proud to be an LP. Together we are changing the face of women-led innovation and asset management.

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