14 years ago, at the height of the wii dance games, James Hyland and I were obsessed with The Michael Jackson Experience where you'd learn all the moves to his famous music videos.
We wound up getting REAALLLY good at Beat It.🎶❣️
Like so good that it became "our thing" and our friends would make sure it played when we were out so we'd take the dance floor and perform the whole jam.
It was FUN! And brought so much good energy.
That Christmas, I knew James was the guy for me, because we literally bought each other matching Beat It jackets without any clue the other was doing the same. 🎁
That lead to making a Beat It music video for our wedding and countless "performances" later... it just stopped.
We got older. Stopped drinking. Didn't go out like that anymore. And only really got to dance at weddings.
So last night when my college roomie bestie celebrated her 40th at a Legwarmers (80s cover band) show, I knew EXACTLY how we were gonna arrive.
Before we left, we turned on Beat It and did an at home performance for ourselves.
Didn't remember all the moves, but we could still nail the chorus. 💃🕺
It reminded me to never forget the well of fun you can have when you go back to your favorites, let go of perfection, suit up, and simply enjoy the dance.
You feel me?
#dance #beatit
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