The lessons from Egyptology are deeper than the surface. As I have learned, the symbolic messages flow well within the realms of astronomical perception, where science has gone so far, but perhaps also telling tales of mysteries we discover tomorrow. It all depends upon what is etched between the lines and where you look to go and see.
Detail of the 'astronomical ceiling' of the pronaos in the Temple of Hathor at the Dendera Temple Complex. This is only part of grander scenes depicting the entire lunar cycle. This scene depicts the god Osiris seated while sailing in the lunar barque in the company of the seated goddesses Isis (to the right) and Nephthys (to the left). Behind Isis stands a smaller figure of the goddess Maat, and behind Nephthys a smaller figure of the god Horus Khenty-khety is shown steering the vessel. The barque is placed over a sky hieroglyph supported by four female figures. According to the inscriptions, Osiris is shown here at the moment of entering the moon on the fifteenth day of the month. A winged scarab and the two vultures of the goddesses Nekhbet and Wadjet hover above the barque, displaying the traditional signs of life, power, and protection. Three figures of the Souls of Pe and Nekhen are depicted on the right and the left, respectively. Photo: Sandro Vannini