Mark Carter’s Post

Construction Professionals: Construction cases are notoriously very document intensive. We routinely have hundreds of thousands of documents in construction matters. Start off every project with a naming convention and a plan for organizing these documents throughout the project. It will pay massive dividends in the (hopefully unlikely) event you end up in litigation. And if you're an attorney, put in the effort on the front end to make sure you are organized in the way you collect and process these documents.

Steven Chin

Construction Dispute & Claims Specialist for FIDIC 1999 & 2017 and Online Advisor for Contracts in Crisis


The best way I have found in organizing the documents pertaining to a contract should be kept on a KISS basis. The traditional/secretarial way of doing so will just not work for Construction Dispute and Claims matter. Just put all the originals in a master file and in chronological order. The files to be categorized into month and year. That's it. the KISS way mate !!!! Still confused, then take a look at my post on the matter and see how I KISS the process. (5 simple steps.

Seng Lee Jot

Project Director/Design Manager (CPEng, CMEngNZ, Int'l PE) : Infrastructure & Land Development


Agree with you Mark. For all businesses esp. for construction & development, documents & data are crucial for success. We will never know seemingly trivial matter records could be crucial in a major dispute or claim. Out of necessity, I developed my own system of document management in the early 90s when computer systems were not advance yet. Was either D base 5, Fortran & work flow manager. No document management system software yet then. The principles remain the same as in latest DM software. The key being able to retrieve the relevant ones needed within say 5 minutes, esp. if these were archived long time ago. Relevant documents for the case at hand must be easily retrievable & used by your legal team to successfully "fight" the case. I remember the sheer satisfaction of our legal team who had successfully counter claimed our contractors then in early 2000s. The legal team were very happy as it was for the 1st time they worked for a client which had all the solid documents they needed, expeditiously all in one place, documents room. I recommend that you may wish to listen (to the tapes, in the 80s when I did listen. These maybe now on line) & read the books by Edward Fisks.. These were voluminous though... but worth it.

Dave Barker

45 years tackling contract management now gladly relegated to washing multi polymer ceramics under a thermo dynamic hydration system, however available to help progress any contractual challenges you may have


Document referencing needs to be addressed. The long convoluted file name and numbering systems used that are meaningless are unecessary and unhelpfull, all thats required is a date ref/job number/project ref/subject/author ref/typist ref maybe (these days author and typist are probably one and the same, except that there is usually a document control clerk formatting the document so perhaps their ref is required in lieu of typists)

Prerit Patel

Money is information, expect the truth ✨Mowgli in the concrete jungle


Especially in work comp. Paper delays lead to slower RTW. Leveraging technology and QR codes has proven to be effective, but teaching employers better reactionary behaviors is the challenge.

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