Words can and will never capture the extent of His Majesty, Divinity, how Supreme, Awesome, Marvelous, Spectacular and, just so, so much in Being that He Is that, I guess it's alright that it is not so widely realized.
To realize a thing at all, you must have considered it. To realize it profoundly, you must have contemplated it deeply and, long enough. Simple.
He is beyond description.
Talk about stars Rev. Cindy Livingstone, I mean, does it occur to anyone that we are living on a mind-boggling orb of rock and water more or less hanging in space?
There's nothing physical holding the entire thing. Nothing that we can see at the least.
Yet, to keep even the lightest and smallest item in the air, we must use some physical means. Either we tie a rope to it as actors are when acting movies in which the character flies and so on.
A ship at the harbor is anchored with a chain, I think, that it appears even one link in, is as large as a vehicle.
Imagine the kind of chain we would have need to suspend planet Earth in space. Lol.
All it takes is contemplation. Not all have the Grace for it and, some are just lazy. Thinking isn't easy. It's easier to just let thoughts take form based on habits created by influences around when we were growing up and that have now become so ingrained that, re-directing our minds in new, healthier and liberating directions would actually feel like the pain of having a root canal removed, times a million times.
Too much work when there's reality TV, movies, music videos with nudity and all kinds of gratuitous things that stimulates physical pleasure.
It is easier to just let go and abandon ourselves to the control of others and other invisible influences that bombard us daily and seek to take control of our willpower from those that already have it and have, maybe since childhood.
Peace and thank you so much for sharing.
Wishing you and yours, a blessed weekend 🙏.
#HisMajesty #Divinity #SupremeBeing #Contemplation #BeyondDescription #StarsAndSpace #MindBoggling #GraceOfContemplation #DeepThoughts #InvisibleInfluences #Willpower #SpiritualAwareness #ReflectiveThinking #InnerPeace #BlessedWeekend