Health and Disease Prevention Group Journals’ Post      Article title: COVID-19, nursing publication and the future of nursing research infection   Author(s): Salam Banihani*   Journal: Journal of Vaccines and Immunology   Journal ISSN: 2640-7590   Abstract: Despite the advance in health sciences, the more frequent emerging of infectious diseases in recent decades raise due to environmental changes such as human activity, poor health care system, microbial adaptation, and substantial international movement [1]. This virus has a high mutation ratio with a substantial spread among the population through droplets, airborne, and contact as modes of transmission [2]. Generally, the Coronavirus affected our way of life and specifically the way of carrying out the research. It has significantly affected clinical research trials. Translational research that has the main role in moving the scientific findings into practice health care provision [3] must take place in improving the collaboration between research centers and hospitals where patients were recruited and finding ways to bridge the gap in funding projects. During the outbreak, many innovative technologies emerged such as virtual meetings in the health care systems and telehealth including telenursing technology which is considered as a cornerstone of health care in recent decades [4]. It is crucial to take the benefits of this technology in the research field, and cooperate at the national and international level to advance research in all aspects including efficacy, recruitment of participants, results, and dissemination of findings [5].   #COVID-19 #Nursing #Infection #ImmunologyMechanisms #AnimalModelsForImmunologicDiseases #ViralImmunology #Peertechz #Immunopathogenesis #VaccineDevelopmentAndEfficacyEvaluation #ImmuneResponsesToVaccines #VaccineTechnology #VaccineVectors #AdjuvantsAndImmunomodulators #ProphylacticVaccines #TherapeuticVaccines #AIDSVaccines #GeneVaccines #VaccinesInBioterrorism #RegulatoryAffairs #CommercialUtilization #Policy #Safety #Epidemiology #AntigenProcessingAndPresentation #DesignProductionAndDevelopmentOfVaccines #VaccineVectors #CellularAndMolecularImmuneResponses #BreakthroughsInImmunotherapeutics #VaccineSafety #PeertechzPublications #EfficacyAndClinicalTrials #ImmunityToInfection #Immunomodulation #CaseReports #ClassicalImmunology #ClinicalImmunology #ComputationalImmunology #DiagnosticImmunology #EvolutionaryImmunology #Immunotherapy #SystemsImmunology #CancerImmunology #TesticularImmunology

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