Dominic Endicott’s Post

Refounding the University When Marc Andreesen wrote the op-ed 'Why software is eating the World' ( 2011), he anticipated a technology acceleration which has added $20 trillion in market cap for US tech, and transformed a number of industries. When Marc and his partner Ben Horowitz recently dedicated three pod-cast episodes to discussing the challenges and opportunities of Higher Ed in the US (, it is worth those with an interest in this space (which is all of us, directly or indirectly) to pay attention and reflect. They are essentially predicting an Overton-window-like (OWL) shift in which support for Higher-ed could evaporate, leaving many institutions, cities, alumni, vendors and others at risk. What are some other recent OWLs: SMS-texting was for many years a very profitable sector for many Telecom operators, but Whatsapp wiped out profitability almost overnight; the Commercial Real Estate sector was valued at $3 trillion, but one key insider now says it will lose over $1 trillion in value ( Some initial reflections on the challenges and opportunities, and how the Higher Education Complex could work collectively to go through a refounding process and a critical new role at the center of US and global society

Frank Howard

The Margin Ninja for Healthcare Practices | Driving Top-Line Growth & Bottom-Line Savings Without Major Overhauls or Disruptions | Partner at Margin Ninja | DM Me for Your Free Assessment(s)


A thought-provoking analysis on the future of Higher Ed. Fascinating insights!

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