Dade County Federal Credit Union’s Post

Impulse buying is the sudden urge to buy something without thinking about it carefully. It can be a tempting trap, but it can also lead to financial regrets. In this Pearls of Wisdom episode, our CEO George Joseph gives some helpful suggestions on how to avoid impulse buying: •Give yourself an out or opportunity to think about what you're buying. This could be something as simple as waiting 24 hours before making a purchase, or it could be putting the item on hold for a few days. •Stop, take a break, and think about it well before making the purchase. Ask yourself if you really need or want the item and if you can afford it. •Consider the opportunity cost of the purchase. What else could you do with the money instead? By following these tips, you can avoid impulse buying and make more informed financial decisions. #dcfcu #PearlsOfWisdom #ImpulseBuying #FinancialTips #GeorgeJoseph

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