ISNR Abu Dhabi
Anselma-Industrie Presents Handheld Heartbeat Detector
At the show, Anselma-Industrie is presenting a handheld heartbeat detector, a new patented technology of heartbeat detection of humans hidden in trucks and other vehicles.
In March 2023, the detector was chosen as innovative technology at the European Frontex Conference for strengthening the border security of the Schengen Area. It is successfully used by Frontex (the European border and Coast Guard Agency), and by border forces in Germany, Czech Republic, Spain and other European countries.
Some of its applications include border control to prevent human trafficking and illegal migration. It is used by border forces, the national and local police, prisons for the entry and exit control, military bases, and critical infrastructures such as refineries, nuclear power stations and other locations that require protection.
The detector offers several benefits such as its simple operation that can be carried out by one person and its measuring process that takes about 30 seconds. It is also fully mobile and can be part of any car patrol. It is produced in Europe with a CE- Certificate.
The MMD01 handheld detector uses the principle of detecting low mechanical vibrations caused by hemodynamics, without using potentially harmful electromagnetic radiation. The MMD01 handheld detector functions reliably on vehicles where this mechanical vibration is transmitted to the structure. In exceptional cases, such transmission may not occur sufficiently in vehicles of special construction.
The detector works when all doors are closed, the engine and other vehicle equipment must are switched off and all persons exit the vehicle and the vehicle tarpaulin is secured. The detector shall always be placed on the vehicle structure, as close to the vehicle axle as possible, ideally above or close to the axle wheel. If the vehicle has more than one axle in one place, it is advisable to carry out the detection between the wheels of these axles. Performing fewer detections than recommended for each vehicle type may reduce the reliability of the detection. If the vehicle is equipped with a thicker insulation layer (e.g.,polystyrene), the detection reliability may be reduced. Only after the detections made at all recommended locations for each vehicle are negative can it be stated with greater than 95 per cent confidence that no one is hiding in the vehicle.
Anselma-Industrie, established in 1979, also offers fire-fighting equipment such as fire hydrant systems, fire hoses, portable floating pumps, sewage pumps PPV fans, portable fire-fighting pumps.
Visit stand 9-P18