From the course: Your First After Effects Project

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Changing kerning and animating a texture

Changing kerning and animating a texture

From the course: Your First After Effects Project

Changing kerning and animating a texture

- [Instructor] Because this is After Effects, we can easily animate the texture, so it will move inside the letters. Now, we want to remind you that right now, we are working in some sort of an isolated mode, and then we are inside this composition, which is actually inside this composition. So if I'll click over here, we can see that the layer styles that were applied to the text inside Photoshop are applied to the whole comp over here. So if I trill it down, we will still have access to them due to the fact that we've chosen to have this option. When we import this Photoshop file and we can control, for example, the inner shadow, the drop shadow or the stroke after the fig. Well, if I'm going to zoom into the composition by selecting the comp panel and then pressing on the period in the keyboard, we can actually see the problem that we need to fix. Now, to make it a little bit more obvious, I'm going to hold down space…
