From the course: Writing Emails People Want to Read

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What time of day to send emails

What time of day to send emails

- If you hang around with email marketing specialists a lot and I recommend it because they're really fun, you will hear all kinds of facts about when is the best time to send emails. You should never send an email before 8:00 AM. You should always send an email on Tuesdays. People will hate you if you send late at night or if you send on Sundays. Okay, let's take a minute to separate fact from fiction. It's true that many people perform a morning email dump, don't be gross, you've done it too. You sit there at 8:00 AM or thereabouts going delete, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete. So mostly I would aim to send after 8:00 AM. What are the exceptions to this? Same day reminders of appointments or commitments and any kind of start your day off right morning ritual emails. Maybe emails having to do with working out or spiritual work or a thought for the day. Tuesdays are often a good day to send. Also Wednesdays and…
