From the course: What To Do When You Are Bullied at Work

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Standing up to the person bullying you

Standing up to the person bullying you

- I've been in the world of workplace bullying for a long time, and I can tell you that people who bully do it because they can. No one tells them not to. Be that person who tells them not to and your life will change dramatically. Look, people who bully because they are lacking social and emotional intelligence. Steer them in the right direction in terms of how to treat you and they will listen. I'll even say they'll respect you. So here are some tips for doing just that. Use the individual's name as often as possible. It might sound like this. Jim, I'm not here to argue. I just simply want you to stop yelling, Jim. I treat you with respect Jim, and I expect the same from you. So Jim, starting today, refrain from yelling. I know it sounded a little awkward, but think about the parent who uses his child's entire name when the kid's in trouble. It implies dominance over the child and you're going to imply dominance over this person at work. Use you language. You've probably heard how…
