From the course: What Is Concept Art?

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The production pipeline

The production pipeline

- [Instructor] Whether it be games, film, or animation, all great things start with an idea, or what we call the design brief. Having one is important. However, being able to attach visuals to an idea makes it come to life. This is where concept artist comes in. It's your responsibility to start exploring all the possibilities. The cool thing is since nothing's been established, we get to play with a big, blank canvas. It's both fun and intimidating at the same time. Blue sky. Pretty much it's what it sounds like. The sky's the limit, meaning there are no rules set. Exploration in styles, color, characters, archetypes, settings, and more are really encouraged. Since nothing's been created for this world, this is where you creative talents come into play, to bring ideas to life as well as great new ones in this process. Being an artist in this phase of the project is highly-coveted, so competition for these jobs are pretty fierce. Production. Once an art direction is established…
