From the course: What Is Concept Art?

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- [Patrick] When I first started out I was new to the game, so I started at the bottom of the food chain. I did a lot of production work, like turnarounds and callouts, similar to some of these. Now for this project, a world was already established. So I had to match my designs to a preexisting style. Turnarounds aren't really that much fun to do, because of how tedious, time-consuming, and technical they can be. Plus maintaining a likeness in different angles can be brutal. However, you learn so much from them, and it definitely humbled and helped me to become a better artist. I learned they are crucial to the needs of a project, and I think every artist should do them to understand that production is not always filled with awe-inspiring illustrations and finished paintings. It's also filled with the grunt work that is necessary for a project to succeed. A lot of this is now done directly in 3-D with tools like Zbrush. However, regardless of the medium, being able to produce things…
