From the course: What Is Concept Art?

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Building your portfolio

Building your portfolio

- [Instructor] What do you need to get a studio job, or freelance jobs as a concept artist? It always comes down to your art. Is it good, or bad? I have spoken to many art directors and hiring managers, and it is as simple as this. Does your portfolio grab me? Does it stand out? And does it fulfill the requirements I need for a project I am hiring for? When you put your first portfolio out there, I always tell people, be prepared to be torn up. Metaphorically of course. I have created so many variations of my portfolio over the years, and in that time I always ask myself two things. Do I have any weak pieces in there? And does this portfolio blow away my last one? There's a saying, that in your portfolio, you are judged on your weakest piece, and it's true. You can have an awesome portfolio, but if you put one image in there just to make your portfolio complete, and it's subpar, that one piece can be your downfall. Here are some general guidelines. Don't put anything in your…
