From the course: We Need to Talk (Blinkist Summary)

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Listening is an active skill

Listening is an active skill

- Blink five of seven. - A recent scientific study looked at what happens in the brain When people talk about themselves. It discovered something intriguing. When you talk about yourself, the same part of the brain lights up as when you eat sugar, take cocaine or have sex. It seems that talking about yourself is that pleasurable. Listening on the other hand, not so much. In fact, it's genuinely hard work. And if you think it simply involves not talking for a while, you're mistaken. It's a skill of its own. Here's the good news. It's a skill that can be learned. - The key message here is listening is an active, not a passive skill and you're probably not very good at it. - Most people consider themselves good listeners but there's reason to be doubtful, not least because modern technology offers endless distractions. Have you ever found yourself idly checking emails on your smartphone during a meeting? Don't kid…
