From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

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Replacing discolored edges: Practice

Replacing discolored edges: Practice - Nuke Tutorial

From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

Replacing discolored edges: Practice

- [Narrator] In the previous video, we saw the theory of operation for the edge extension technique. Here we'll see it applied to a real world shot. Note that this technique does not affect the edges of your key at all, so no loss of edge detail. So here's our setup. We'll push in here. Starting with our green screen plate. I use Keylight, just pull a basic key. And of course we do our spill suppression. And this Copy node brings them together so we now have our uber key, if you will, with our best spill suppression. And we perform our premult operation. In fact, you can actually see the ugly edges right there. Now if I perform an unpremult on this, you can see the ugly edge pixels restored to their original values. What we want to do is replace these grey pixels with red pixels from the hat by pushing them out. So let's get started. So coming back here to our premult operation. We'll come over to this Grade node. Let me open that up for you here. Open up Mr. Grade node, switch to the…
