From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

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Recoloring the RGB edges

Recoloring the RGB edges - Nuke Tutorial

From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

Recoloring the RGB edges

- [Steve] Sometimes you don't want to erode your alpha channel, because you'll lose important edge detail. In that case, you can try solving your bad edges by recoloring the edge pixels directly. So here's how to do it. Let's take a look at our setup first. We start with our green screen. We go to Keylight and just pull a basic key. Then we do our spill suppression, again using any spill suppression you like, then we copy in our alpha channel. So here, we have our key, our uber key, however you care to make that, with our spill suppressed foreground, however you'd care to make that. So what we want to do then is follow that with a Premult, and already you can see I have some edge issues here. And then we Merge that over the background, and there is my edge problem, I wanna fix this. Again I do not wanna mess with my alpha channel, so we're gonna do this by just dialing in the edge pixels. All right so how we do that is we slip a Grade node in here, open that up, and if I hook my…
