From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

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KEYLIGHT: Masking, fine-tuning, and spill suppression

KEYLIGHT: Masking, fine-tuning, and spill suppression - Nuke Tutorial

From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

KEYLIGHT: Masking, fine-tuning, and spill suppression

- [Male Narrator] You can add holdout and garbage mattes to Keylight, as well as crop the green screen. You can play along too by getting these two images out of the Keylight media folder. The crop feature in Keylight is mainly used when you have a situation like this, where the green screen doesn't fill the entire frame. So let's take a look at how it's used. With this selected, we'll go to the keyer tab add the Keylight node, and it hooks into the source input, and hook up the background input. Now, unfold the crops menu, and here we set the left, right, top, and bottom margins of the crop, the color of the crop, and how we're gonna do the crop. I'll start by setting the edge color to a bright red. That'll make it easier to follow. I move the left slider here to define the left edge of the crop, and the right slider to move the right edge of the crop. And of course we have a bottom and a top slider. The idea is to set the edge color to match the color of the green screen. And we can…
