From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

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Adding interactive lighting

Adding interactive lighting - Nuke Tutorial

From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

Adding interactive lighting

- [Narrator] As a character moves through an environment light from that environment falls on the character. We need to simulate those lighting effects in our comps to make the foreground object appear to be in the same light space as background plate. The trick to realistic interactive lighting is to think about the 3D light space that the composited shot occurs in. Then adjust the 2D image, to simulate it. So here are the three big issues when we're talking about interactive lighting. Masking. How am I gonna create the mask for the lighting effect? Color correction. What's the brightness? What's the color? And changes over time. Do I have to animate my lighting effects? So we'll be looking at all three of these issues. So let's take a look here at a nice simple procedural animation. What we have here is a rim light effect on our character. Now the Light Rep Node would have tried to wrap the dark ship over the character. Unless you put Light Rep in that color mode. Which is really…
