From the course: UX Research Methods: Card Sorting

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Types of card sorting

Types of card sorting

- There are several different ways you can perform card sorts. The best method will depend what your goal is, what state of the project you're in, and how complex the system you're working with is. The first thing to consider is whether you want to perform the card sort in a moderated or unmoderated way. Originally, all cord sorts were performed as a very low fidelity method using index cards or Post-it notes to present each element of content. Participants would sit with a moderator to sort the cards in person. Now, there are several digital tools to perform card sorts, most notably the suite of tools from Optimal Workshop. You can setup digital versions of the cards and allow users to sort and create groups just as they would with physical cards. You can still moderate card sort sessions if you use a digital tool. Just like any other kind of UX research, it's ideal if you're able to sit with a participant so you can see their body language and guide a discussion to dive deeper into…
