From the course: UX Foundations: Usability Testing

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Usability test formalities

Usability test formalities

- Because your participants will be putting a lot of trust in you, there's a certain level of responsibility that you take on. Even if they're just employees from the office down the hall, participants have given you their time to help you out. The usability study environment means that you know a lot more about what's going on than they do. And as a result, each participant is relying on you to guide them through the process. Messing up will reflect badly on you and your organization. It's actually quite easy to do the right thing. Everyone involved in the study must understand that the participant is the most important person in the room. Once you have that concept, everything else falls into place. You need a way to make sure the participants are comfortable. That means treating them like a guest, but also a bit more. Because they're in an unfamiliar environment, you'll have to guide their actions. Offer them…
