From the course: UX Foundations: Interaction Design

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- [Narrator] Voice interactions are often portrayed in movies and speech recognition and synthesis software has been available for decades. While films typically show more natural conversational interactions, the early products were much more limited. Computers could only recognize and react to a limited number of words and phrases, and they often needed to be trained to recognize an individual's voice. Today, a person's experience with voice interface is very different from their experience with a graphical interface. There are no perceivable cues or signals to guide the interaction. In fact, there are very few perceivable cues other than the presence of the listening device and perhaps an LED light to indicate readiness. The most common signal to speak is the optional audio feedback after the use of a trigger or a wake word such as okay Google, Alexa, hey Siri, and hey Cortana when the product indicates with a…
