From the course: UX Foundations: Interaction Design

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Usability and accessibility

Usability and accessibility

- [Instructor] The ease of use and the value of a product are different attributes. Usability is the ease of use of the product or service. Utility is the usefulness and the value of the product or service. Ideally, both usability and utility are high. A product which is easy to use and provides great value. High value and motivation may sometimes override poor usability. If the value of the outcome is greater than the difficulty and pain of using the product, people may continue to use the product, especially if they think they have no other options. A sufficiently motivated person will tolerate an unacceptably bad product if they really need it. Just because people complete a task does not mean that it was easy to do so, so task completion is not always a good measure of usability. We need to observe people using a product, and interview them about their experience for a better evaluation of the usability of…
