From the course: UX Foundations: Interaction Design

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Theories of emotion

Theories of emotion

- [Instructor] Emotions are complex states with both physiological and psychological aspects and which influence our thoughts and behaviors. We often refer to them as feelings, and we typically think of them as very personal subjective experiences. Emotions are difficult to define and measure because they vary by context as well as by individual and socio-cultural factors. What makes one person happy will not make everyone happy and a simple, efficient error-free interface is often not enough to make it desirable or likable. Despite the variable and subjective nature of emotions, we strive to create products that satisfy and delight experiences that meet people's needs and make them happy, products that people like, want to tell others about, and to use again. A few prominent theories explore the relationship between how our bodies respond, physiology, what we think about the situation, cognition, and how we report…
