From the course: UX Foundations: Interaction Design

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Levels of design: Flow

Levels of design: Flow

- Once we have mapped out the structure and connections, we start to identify and define the steps and states people will move through as they use the product to work toward their goals. What are the paths through all of the pieces? The flow a person moves through may occur at multiple levels. How does the product fit into a larger ecosystem or multi-channel experience? What are the steps through the product itself and when and how will people experience the various states of the individual components within the product? Very few products exist and operate in isolation. It's very common to use multiple products and interact across multiple channels to complete more complex tasks, so we need to understand how people use products and services together to complete their tasks and achieve their goals. Interaction design intersects with service design when we look at how a product is part of a larger experience that happens…
