From the course: UX Foundations: Interaction Design

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Introducing the interaction design model

Introducing the interaction design model

From the course: UX Foundations: Interaction Design

Introducing the interaction design model

- [Instructor] Before we start to dive into the details, let's take a look at the overall interaction design model because there are several layers and components. Context refers to the circumstances, situation, and environment in which a person is interacting with a product or service. We also need to know what people are trying to achieve. We need to know their goals, their needs, and the desired outcomes. There are many reasons people engage in activities and interact with products. As we move deeper into this model, we shift from environment, circumstances, goals, and outcomes to how individuals perceive, understand, feel, and act in a situation. Knowing their context and goals helps us better understand how they will interact with products. Then we can design better products and services that align with and meet their needs. We'll be looking at several topics from psychology and we'll discuss them in depth in the…
