From the course: UX Foundations: Interaction Design

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Gestalt principles

Gestalt principles

- [Instructor] In 1910 Max Wertheimer a German Psychologist noticed that a series of blinking lights creates the illusion of motion. Theater marquees take advantage of this illusion known as the fee effect to create the racing lights and circling the name of the play or movie. Max Wertheimer and his colleagues, Kurt Koffka and Wolfgang Köhler studied perception for the next several years. And in the 1920s, Gestalt Psychology emerged. The term Gestalt is a German word that means shape or form, and the Gestalt Principles and Laws, describe how we perceive the world around us as meaningful and complete objects. With a clear distinction between foreground and background. We perceive whole objects, not a series of independent parts, good design with solid perceptual structure actually makes it easier for people to understand and interact with a product. There are several Gestalt Laws that describe how we organize our…
