From the course: UX Foundations: Interaction Design

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- Context refers to the circumstances or situation in which a person is using a product. What are the conditions under which a person is trying to achieve a goal or outcome? We start with basic questions, who is the person and any other people who might be present? When and where are they? And what objects, their tools, or products are they using and how are they using them? In user-centered design, we start by describing the people who will use the product. Descriptive information often includes demographics and their background and experiences, but we also need to know how they expect to use the product and what they expect it to do for them. Many tasks are performed with other people and the products, so we describe all of these as well. For example, a family may be planning a vacation and need to book flights to their destination. We would describe the family members' basic demographics, but we also need to know about…
