From the course: UX Foundations: Interaction Design

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Attention and memory

Attention and memory

- [Instructor] Attention is a limited resource. We cannot pay attention to everything around us all the time. We focus our attention on what we think is most important, and we expend our cognitive effort on that. We get frustrated when something distracts us because it steals our attention. When there is too much information, if it's disorganized or unstructured, and if we cannot identify the priorities or importance, then we have trouble focusing our attention. This slows us down and increases the chances we'll miss things, make mistakes or errors, or have incorrect expectations about outcomes. We typically discuss memory in terms of how much information we can store, how long we can store it, the structure and format of that information, how we get information back out of memory, and why we sometimes forget. Memory is something we take for granted. We expect it to work for us, and we only notice when it fails.…
