From the course: UX Design: 5 Creating Scenarios and Storyboards

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Writing scenarios

Writing scenarios

- [Instructor] Writing scenarios is a fun activity. You get to put your personas into situations were they'd need to use your product, and then describe how the user experience that you want to create, will help them through that situation to a suitable outcome. The idea isn't to make life difficult for your personas, but just to describe how a regular day would be made better with the design ideas you've created. You might want to include a couple of the issues that you know will crop up regularly. So that you can describe how your design works around those issues. But the idea isn't to create an obstacle course for your persona to clear. The finished scenario should describe the different elements of the user experience that you aim to build, and demonstrate how that experience meets the goals you created. To do this work in pairs with another teammate. You'll need to have access to the experience map you created previously. See the course in this series on Analyzing User Data if…
