From the course: Using Questions to Foster Critical Thinking and Curiosity

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Use curiosity to improve your life

Use curiosity to improve your life

- Scientific research indicates that nurturing your curiosity can also make you smarter and open to new experiences. And the benefits of curiosity are not limited to the intellectual. For children and adults alike, curiosity has been linked with psychological, emotional, social, and even health benefits. It's been said that children ask roughly 125 questions per day, and adults ask about six questions per day. So somewhere between childhood and adulthood we're losing 119 questions per day. So what happened? Somewhere along the way, many of us neglect our innate fascination and sense of wonder and began to accept things for how they are. The good news is that your curiosity never goes away. It's just a matter of tapping back into it, and once you do, your ability to ask better questions will soon follow. The impact and benefits of developing your curiosity are quite amazing. Recent studies in the field of cognitive neuroscience has shown us the linkage between curiosity, learning, and…
