From the course: Using Questions to Foster Critical Thinking and Curiosity

Learn the benefits of asking great questions

- We're all searching for how we can improve our lives, both personally and professionally. So why is it so difficult to find the answers we crave? As human beings, we all share the same innate curiosity to learn and grow. So why do some people appear to have more answers than others? Are they smarter, or is it just because they're asking better questions? Have you ever had a conversation with someone who only responded in two- or three-word sentences, and you walked away feeling like you learned very little? The person might not have been intentionally giving you short answers, but perhaps you could have phrased your questions better in order to get more information. A lot of people fail to understand the power of asking quality questions. There are many benefits to asking better questions. So let's take a look at a few. First, asking better questions helps foster critical thinking skills. It boosts self-confidence, enhances your creativity, and improves your problem-solving skills. By asking better questions, you guide the conversation in the direction you want it to go, eliminating confusion. At the same time, it enables a person to discover answers for themselves. From a relationship standpoint, it can help someone else feel special and important, and this can help begin or strengthen a relationship. Emotionally, asking good questions demonstrates humility to the other person, and helps you gain empathy through better understanding of another person's view. Questions can be used for so many things, from problem-solving, fueling conversations with others, and even finding your passion and purpose in life. When used effectively, questions are powerful tools. They can ignite hope while inspiring new insights. Sometimes a powerful question is all it takes to cause a seismic mental shift. And when your mindset changes, so does your behavior. The most creative successful people in the world tend to be expert questioners. They've mastered the art of inquiry, raising questions no one else is asking, and finding the answers everyone else is seeking. A lot can be learned when the right questions are asked, but at the same time, so much is lost when we either ask the wrong questions, or no question at all. Powerful questions can help you lead a powerful life. So start thinking about the kinds of questions you see in your everyday life, and how powerful they are.
