From the course: Using Questions to Foster Critical Thinking and Curiosity

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Four tips to ask great questions

Four tips to ask great questions

- Asking the right questions can mean the difference between success and failure. Unfortunately, asking questions can also be uncomfortable. For many, the sheer thought of asking a question can be paralyzing. The terror of looking foolish applies in large crowds, at work, or in front of, say, a loved one or on a first date. However, the cost of not asking one could potentially be debilitating. Everyone has the power to ask a question, so why do some people appear to be more comfortable asking them while others struggle? The answer lies in the individual's approach and intention when asking their questions. It's a lot easier when you understand that questions you'll ask will give you information to help improve your life, either personally or professionally. The second piece is to understand the type of question you're asking. When you ask a question, you have to know what you want for the answer. What type of information are you seeking? Once you know what kind of information you need…
