From the course: Using Questions to Foster Critical Thinking and Curiosity

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- It's easy to simply accept what's provided, but should you? When asking questions or receiving answers, it's important to not simply take things at face value, but rather dig deeper, get curious about what you're hearing, look for the learning opportunity in each situation. Thank you for taking this course with me. I'd love for you to connect with me on LinkedIn to share what you're learning about the art and science of asking questions, as well as sharing best practices. And remember to stay engaged, being mindful of the questions you ask, as well as the ones you receive. And most importantly, remain curious. If you want great results, then begin with great questions. For more questions starters, check out my book, "I call BS, Live Your Life, Not Someone Else's," for hundreds of thought provoking questions to stoke your curiosity and promote your further growth and development. I look forward to hearing from you.
