From the course: Using Questions to Foster Critical Thinking and Curiosity

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Avoid canned questions

Avoid canned questions

- Asking the same question repeatedly can be both annoying and frustrating, to you and those you ask. So why is it that we sometimes find ourselves in situations where our questioning is limited? Enter the canned question. It feels like a regular question when in fact it's designed to specifically limit the type and or amount of answer provided by another person. The result is both a limited exchange of communication and information. These kinds of questions are typically found in job interviews or performance reviews with your boss. The problem with asking canned questions is that they will typically get you canned responses. For example, what kind of job are you looking for? The answer, "One that provides stability, a good culture, good people, and challenges me" Or, "Will I be getting a promotion?W The answer, "We'll have to see". Alternatives could be, "What are three qualities that make you a good fit for the role and how have you been using them previously?" Or, "What do you…
