From the course: Using Questions to Foster Critical Thinking and Curiosity

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Ask questions to improve your life

Ask questions to improve your life

- Questions can be a powerful tool. But how exactly should you be using them? Knowing what to ask is important, but understanding where exactly and in what part of your life to ask these questions is critical. You see, not all questions are created equal. In fact, just as important as knowing the right question to ask is also knowing where to ask it. Questioning is the ability to organize our thinking around what we don't know. What kind of question you ask will determine the type of information you receive, and that can make the difference between understanding or sheer confusion. If this is true, then we better make sure we at least know where to direct our questions. To direct the conversation, I'm going to talk about the application of questioning in terms of self-development. In other words, how can we improve ourselves and our lives based on the questions we ask ourselves? The first step to receiving any answer is being brave enough to ask the question. So where do you begin?…
