From the course: Using Questions to Foster Critical Thinking and Curiosity

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Answer questions effectively

Answer questions effectively

- The fear of answering a question inappropriately is high on the list for many people, as they don't want to look unprepared or uneducated. This happens often for presenters either on stage, giving presentations or in any one-on-one setting with another individual. It's important to remember that questions are a vital part of any conversation, whether on the stage of work or the stage of life. Knowing how to answer a question is a critical skill, and it begins with planning both effectively and efficiently. The first step here is to listen. It's important to listen to all parts of a question before drawing a premature conclusion about your best response. Frequently, questions can change direction at the last moment, particularly if the questioner is thinking in the moment; this can throw you off, and if you've already started to plan your appropriate response, you want to be careful. Remember that questioners will frequently try to make a point while asking their question, so it's…
