From the course: Using Microsoft Teams and Outlook Together: Maximizing Productivity (2020)

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Communicating in Outlook and Teams

Communicating in Outlook and Teams

- [Instructor] Many of the organizations that use both Outlook and Teams started with Outlook and then added Microsoft Teams, and very quickly users realize that there's a great deal of overlap between the two applications. But for most organizations they don't replace Outlook with Teams, they continue to use both. So, why? Well, because despite the large overlap, there are types of communication that Outlook is best for, and types of communication best done with Teams. Outlook shines for asynchronous communication, communication where you're sending someone a message and you don't assume that they're going to reply right away. Now your organization may have a standard for how quickly people reply. But in fact, if you send me an email and I'm in a meeting, or I'm not at my desk, or I'm on vacation, I'm not going to reply right away. And yet that message will wait until I reply to it. You'll have access to it in your…
