From the course: Using Authenticity to Build Productive Relationships

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Authentic listening

Authentic listening

- One of the defining characteristics of productive interactions is effective listening. However, I'd like you to think even more broadly about what I call authentic listening. That's a focus on listening more holistically in the moment including thinking about the task at hand, how the person you're collaborating with is feeling, and how this all fits into a bigger picture that affects both of you. The goal for authentic listening is not just to hear and understand, but also to nourish and develop the relationship at the same time. It's about caring as much about the person as you do the issue. To accomplish this effectively there are several steps to consider. First, spend just a few moments preparing to listen. That means wrapping up other work first, choosing a space that will comfortably accommodate the conversation. Thinking about the agenda, reviewing your recent interactions with them to provide context,…
